NOTIFICATION FOR BENEFICIARIES who are approved in public benefit programs, concerning their participation in TRAINING PROGRAMS.
The vocational training center of the regional unit of Lesvos (with the distinctive name “KEKAPEL SA Ke.Di.V.M.2”), which is located at 36 Kavetsou Street, has been founded at the end of 1995 in Mytilene and is pioneered in the field of vocational training. At the same time, it has implemented a number of granted and self-funded programs for unemployed and employees.
The center of vocational training it announces to the beneficiaries who have already been approved and placed in services by the Municipality of Lesvos, in the context of the Public Benefit Program in all Municipalities of the country for the 24,251 full-time positions that the Action of Training is expected to be announced soon in the following days.
The educational subject of the above Action is:
«Training program in Information and Communication Technology (ICT)»
- Its duration is 120 hours and includes three educational levels: beginners’ level, basic level and advance level.
- Those who choose to attend will take part, after the completion of the training program, in certification exams for the acquisition of a CERTIFICATE (similar to CDL).
- The Beneficiaries who will choose to participate to the above educational program, they will be attending a training session at the end of each week, while in the other four days they will be working at the institution that they will be placed. In case a beneficiary does not choose to attend the training program, he/she will work the five days of the week.
The terms and the conditions of the training program will follow the requirements of the training (voucher), after a relevant invitation of interest to the Training Providers is announced.
KEKAPEL intends to take part as a Training Provider and to implement the above program in its certified IT rooms. KEKAPEL invites the participants of the Public Benefit programs to express their intention to participate in it.
- Certificate from the municipality that the participant is employed in the specific Municipality who has originated the call, in the context of sub no. 1/2017 Public Invitation from OAED
- Copy of personal ID (Police ID)
- The number of the application form (in case they do not have it, they should refer to OAED providing their Personal ID)
- Those who choose to attend the program will participate- at the end of the program- in certification exams for the acquisition of a CERTIFICATE (similar to ECDL).
- The Beneficiaries who will choose to participate to the above educational program, they will be attending a training session at the end of each week -every Friday, while the other four days of the week they will be working at the institution that they will be placed. In case a beneficiary does not choose to attend the training program, he/she will work all five days of the week.
The program is co-financed by Greece and the European Union, NSRF 2014-2017, in the Business framework under the title “Human Resource Development, Education and Lifelong Learning” and is implemented by the Ministry of Labor and OAED.
For more information call KEKAPEL, tel. 22510-40330