The integration of newly arrived migrants and refugees in the labor market is one of the most important factors for their successful integration in the host countries’ societies. However, both migrants and the organisations that support them usually do not have direct access to companies and other organisations that facilitate their access to the labor market. On the other hand companies usually are not aware of the legal framework related with the employment of a migrant/ refugee and do not have the skills to successfully integrate the in the company’s operations.
This is why it is very important to build the capacity of intermediary organisations (chambers of commerce, employer associations, employment agencies etc) and VET centres to connect newly arrived migrants with the job market. In order to achieve this objective, the project is going to develop training material and organise training courses addressed to intermediary and Vet organisations on a series of themes related with labor market integration of refugees.
The expected results are a significant increase of the capacity of intermediary organisations to engage companies to the employment of newly arrived migrants and the increase of the matching between the skills of the migrants and the skills required in the local labor market.
The partners who constitute the project’s partnership are:
- Company of Research, Education, Innovation and Developement of the North Aegean Region S.A. – ELORIS S.A. (Greece) – LEAD PARTNER
- Action Synergy S.A. (Greece)
- Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry – BCCI (Bulgaria)
- National Centre for Vocational Training within Chambers of Commerce and Industry in Bulgaria – NCVT (Bulgaria)
- CEIPES – International Centre for the Promotion of Education and Development (Italy)
- Employment and Vocational Training Center & Technology of Samos – K.A.A.E.K.T Samou (Greece)
- Mobilising Expertise – Mexpert (Sweden)
- Arbetsmarknadsförvaltningen, Municipality of Helsningborg (Sweden)
- Partners
The partners who constitute the project’s partnership are:
- Company of Research, Education, Innovation and Developement of the North Aegean Region S.A. – ELORIS S.A. (Greece) – LEAD PARTNER
- Action Synergy S.A. (Greece)
- Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry – BCCI (Bulgaria)
- National Centre for Vocational Training within Chambers of Commerce and Industry in Bulgaria – NCVT (Bulgaria)
- CEIPES – International Centre for the Promotion of Education and Development (Italy)
- Employment and Vocational Training Center & Technology of Samos – K.A.A.E.K.T Samou (Greece)
- Mobilising Expertise – Mexpert (Sweden)
- Arbetsmarknadsförvaltningen, Municipality of Helsningborg (Sweden)
- Photo Gallery
- Announcements
- Kick-Off Meeting
- Final Conference