Community Support Framework 2000 – 2006
B.P. “Employment and Vocational Training” – Priority Axis 1 – Measure 5
Project: Training of the unemployed in the cultural environment field
Final Beneficiary: Ministry of Labor & Social Security, Special Service for the Application of Co-financed Actions from the E.S.F.
Candidate Contractor’s Name | No. EKEPIS | |||
KEKANAL | 5227-05 | |||
2 | 11 | 32 | 013 |
No. | Title – Description | Duration (in hours) | Number of Trainees | Training Level | ||||
Theory | Internship | Total | ||||||
Program | 5 | Goods for Sale Production | 260 | 140 | 400 | 20 | HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES
VTI (Vocational Training Institute) |
11 | NORTH AEGEAN | ||||||
State/Province | 32 | LESVOS | ||||||
013 | MYTILENE | ||||||
Implementation in Another Certified VET | NO | |||||||
Description of the program’s educational content
The correct planning and construction of the program is of essential matter for its success. The main stages during the planning of this program are:
- the study of the existing situation in the labor market and the project’s relevance to its needs.
- the investigation of the trainees’ training needs, in relation to the educational level and the skills that should be acquainted during this object of training.
- the needs analysis of the labor market in relation to the beneficiaries’ focus group.
- the determination of the purpose of the program and its specific educational objectives in terms of knowledge, skills, and trends.
- the selection of the subject content and the divide of the program into teaching modules and sub-modules.
- the selection of appropriate teaching methods, techniques, and tools.
- the selection of the appropriate trainers
- the functional selection of the trainees
- ensuring internships for the trainees related to the objective of the training.
- the expected evaluation of the program
The program is referred to 20 unemployed individuals who are related or are interested in the production of goods for sale, and specifically digital goods, od duration 400 hours in total, which are divided into 260 hours of theory and 140 hours of internships.
Based on the above stages, the educational program includes theoretical and practical training in modern techniques for the creation and promotion of digital goods for sale, using all the available technological tools. The program emphasizes the learning to use modern and powerful design and presentation software, the introduction, and getting familiar with the most popular digital tools and the understanding of the plethora of possible applications in the field of Culture. During the program, they will be used the most popular and efficient designing and production tools in order for the trainees to be able to follow the most used software without having to deal constantly with updated versions and different features and functions.
The trainees will be taught the entire necessary theory in order to understand the technological, but also the operational background of the applications, and, then, they will be called through the internship period, to follow the in practice application of the specific subject with market terms and conditions. The internship will provide the trainees with a tangible form in the product (digital disks, websites, audiovisual material) in order to become clear its commercial form and the promotional and sale possibilities.
The training also includes work issues as well as information on health and safety issues.
Description of the program’s goals
The main goal of the program is the presentation of the modern technologies to the trainees, so they become capable and efficient in their work and productivity, increasing their competitive advantage in the labor market. Indirect goal of the program is also the upgrade of the provided cultural products, as their presence in the market so far is rather disappointing. The goal is considered particularly important since in Lesvos is presented a remarkable cultural action and, in some occasions, of unique character.
Regarding the educational goals, a great weight will be given on:
- the modern educational methods and educational materials.
- the upgrade of the educational programs’ quality and their response to the needs of the employees and the businesses.
- the educational programs’ integration in the new methods of work and production organizing.
- the flexibility of the educational programs depending on the needs of the labor market combined with the individual needs of employees.
- the trainees’ familiarization with the real work conditions in the field of production, in the internship’s framework.