The CLARINET project’s general objective is to raise awareness on migrants’ positive contribution to EU societies among EU citizens. The CLARINET project is led by the Municipality of Lampedusa and Linosa, which collaborates with a multi-stakeholder partnership composed by 7 other Local Authorities located in border areas (border LAs), 9 Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) based in 8 EU countries, and 2 international networks.
The project targets border LAs and their residents (EU citizens and TCNs) as short-term beneficiaries, other EU LAs as medium beneficiaries and residents in other EU LAs (EU citizens and TCNs) as long-term beneficiaries. In a first step, the project will identify local authorities’ good practices in public communication campaigns on migration and integration through the implementation of the “Award for the best LA public communication campaigns promoting positive narratives on migration and integration in the EU” and the production of the CLARINET Positive Storytelling Kit on Migration for Local Authorities.
In a second step, the project will empower border local authorities to implement successful evidence-based public communication campaigns on migration and integration, through on-the-job training and On-demand support provided by migration and communication experts to border LAs staff. As a result, LAs will implement public communication campaigns involving TCNs and EU citizens testimonies, thanks to the collaboration with artists involved in local residencies. The project also plans to promote at EU level good practices of LAs communication campaigns on migration and integration. To do so, the CLARINET web-platform will be developed in 8 languages, featuring an online map of good practices; a social media campaign will be implemented in 8 EU countries. The project results will be promoted through a final event; dissemination at EU level will be ensured by the European Coalition of Cities Against Racism.
What is the CLARINET Award about?
The CLARINET European Award for public communication campaigns on migration and in-tegration carried out by local authorities is part of the EU-funded project CLARINET – Communication of Local Authorities for Integration in European Towns, Grant Agreement number 821562.
CLARINET aims to raise awareness among EU citizens of the contribution mi-grants make to their societies.
The project intends to:
- identify and promote the good practices of local authorities in public communication campaigns on migration and integration at EU level;
- empower local border authorities to implement successful evidence-based public communication campaigns on migration and integration through on-the-job training and support.
The project will:
- Develop the “European Award for local authorities’ public communication campaigns on migration and integration”;
- Produce the “Positive Storytelling Kit on Migration and Integration for Local Authori-ties”;
- Implement 8 training programmes for Local Authorities looking at how to talk about migration and integration in their local territories;
- Set up 8 residences for artists within the territories involved;
- Design and promote 8 communication campaigns on migration carried out by the Local Authorities involved.
The CLARINET project is led by the Municipality of Lampedusa and Linosa, which collabo-rates with a multi stakeholder partnership composed of 7 other Local Authorities locat-ed in border areas (border LAs), 9 Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) based in 8 EU coun-tries, and 2 international networks.
Eligible candidates must be a National, Regional or Local Authority based in one of the 28 official EU member states. To see the official list of member countries go to ( The Authority must have implemented or be in the process of implementing communication campaigns based on the topics of migration and integration in the EU.
Campaigns and communication activities produced by external organisations on behalf of a Local Authority will also be accepted.
Both closed campaigns/activities and those which are on-going are eligible to apply.
The Award has three main categories:
- Web and Social Media: communication campaigns and activities developed mainly via online channels such as websites, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram etc.;
- Traditional Media: communication campaigns and activities developed mainly on television, radio, printed press, and through outdoor advertising;
- Public Events: communication campaigns and initiatives developed mainly through exhibitions, workshops, artistic or sport manifestations.
Candidates must select just one category when applying for the Award. Transversal campaigns – which use different channels – must choose one category which they would prefer to apply to.
The Award opens on the 1st April 2019. Applications can be submitted from the 1st April 2019 until the 31st July 2019 (Midnight).
To submit an application, the interested candidate must:
- Go to the website;
- Download the ‘Award Rules’ document and read it carefully;
- Go to the “Tell us about your campaign” section of the home page and fill in the online form;
- Upload a UNIQUE file attachment in .zip or .rar – Max 10 MB – containing:
- An English 2,000-character description of the campaign detailing its aims, target audience, main actions, qualitative and quantitative results;
- photos with short captions in English;
- links to any video/s available on the web with short captions in English (if available);
- images and/or file in JPG, PNG, EPS, TIFF, PDF with short captions in English.
We strongly encourage all candidates to submit their applications as soon as they are able. The sooner the campaigns are online, the greater their level of public exposure and therefore, the higher their chances are of winning the Award.
Each candidate can apply with more than one entry. The same campaign cannot be submitted in more than one category.
By entering the Award, candidates acknowledge that the application they have submitted is their own original work, that the campaign materials and content do not infringe on the copyright, trademark, moral rights, rights of privacy/publicity or intellectual property rights of any other person or entity, and that no other party has any right to, title, claim, or interest in the campaign.
There is no cost associated with participating in the Award.
- Partners
What is the CLARINET Award about?
The CLARINET European Award for public communication campaigns on migration and in-tegration carried out by local authorities is part of the EU-funded project CLARINET – Communication of Local Authorities for Integration in European Towns, Grant Agreement number 821562.
CLARINET aims to raise awareness among EU citizens of the contribution mi-grants make to their societies.
The project intends to:
- identify and promote the good practices of local authorities in public communication campaigns on migration and integration at EU level;
- empower local border authorities to implement successful evidence-based public communication campaigns on migration and integration through on-the-job training and support.
The project will:
- Develop the “European Award for local authorities’ public communication campaigns on migration and integration”;
- Produce the “Positive Storytelling Kit on Migration and Integration for Local Authori-ties”;
- Implement 8 training programmes for Local Authorities looking at how to talk about migration and integration in their local territories;
- Set up 8 residences for artists within the territories involved;
- Design and promote 8 communication campaigns on migration carried out by the Local Authorities involved.
The CLARINET project is led by the Municipality of Lampedusa and Linosa, which collabo-rates with a multi stakeholder partnership composed of 7 other Local Authorities locat-ed in border areas (border LAs), 9 Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) based in 8 EU coun-tries, and 2 international networks.
Eligible candidates must be a National, Regional or Local Authority based in one of the 28 official EU member states. To see the official list of member countries go to ( The Authority must have implemented or be in the process of implementing communication campaigns based on the topics of migration and integration in the EU.
Campaigns and communication activities produced by external organisations on behalf of a Local Authority will also be accepted.
Both closed campaigns/activities and those which are on-going are eligible to apply.
The Award has three main categories:
- Web and Social Media: communication campaigns and activities developed mainly via online channels such as websites, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram etc.;
- Traditional Media: communication campaigns and activities developed mainly on television, radio, printed press, and through outdoor advertising;
- Public Events: communication campaigns and initiatives developed mainly through exhibitions, workshops, artistic or sport manifestations.
Candidates must select just one category when applying for the Award. Transversal campaigns – which use different channels – must choose one category which they would prefer to apply to.
The Award opens on the 1st April 2019. Applications can be submitted from the 1st April 2019 until the 31st July 2019 (Midnight).
To submit an application, the interested candidate must:
- Go to the website;
- Download the ‘Award Rules’ document and read it carefully;
- Go to the “Tell us about your campaign” section of the home page and fill in the online form;
- Upload a UNIQUE file attachment in .zip or .rar – Max 10 MB – containing:
- An English 2,000-character description of the campaign detailing its aims, target audience, main actions, qualitative and quantitative results;
- photos with short captions in English;
- links to any video/s available on the web with short captions in English (if available);
- images and/or file in JPG, PNG, EPS, TIFF, PDF with short captions in English.
We strongly encourage all candidates to submit their applications as soon as they are able. The sooner the campaigns are online, the greater their level of public exposure and therefore, the higher their chances are of winning the Award.
Each candidate can apply with more than one entry. The same campaign cannot be submitted in more than one category.
By entering the Award, candidates acknowledge that the application they have submitted is their own original work, that the campaign materials and content do not infringe on the copyright, trademark, moral rights, rights of privacy/publicity or intellectual property rights of any other person or entity, and that no other party has any right to, title, claim, or interest in the campaign.
There is no cost associated with participating in the Award.
- Award Winners