The goal of the program is to train instructors on modern principles, methods, and techniques required for adults’ education.
Regardless of educational level and experience, the instructors who will participate in the program they will learn new educational skills, which can be applied in various fields, they will improve their professional skills and will upgrade the effectiveness of open education and vocational training programs.
Upon successful completion of the program and after their evaluation, the trainees, will have obtained the Certified Adults Trainer (CAT) certificate from ACTA, which allows them to teach in educational institutions, LAEK educational programs as well as in Liberal Studies Centers.
A. In terms of knowledge:
The trainees will be able to:
- Understand and describe the basic principles of adult education and its associated issues.
- Understand the principles of effective communication for adult learners and group’s impact.
- Understanding the importance of assessment for improving the development and teaching of an educational program and its contributors.
- To adopt the lifelong learning philosophy, through understanding and applying the new approaches and applications in the field of adult education.
Β. In terms of skills:
The trainees will be able to:
- Effectively apply the principles of adult education
- Effectively apply the new techniques learned
- Constantly improve their skills by monitoring and participating in the most recent advancements in the field
C. In terms of behavior:
The trainees will be able to:
- Understand the needs of adult learners and positively support their adaptation to the educational process.
- Apply the methodology and training techniques they learned with respect to the specific characteristics of the training group.
- Encourage communication and interaction among members of the training group
- Accept and use the evaluation process, for the benefit of themselves, the trainees, and the educational process.
- Develop a positive attitude towards lifelong learning
- Trainers are graduates of Higher Education
- Trainers are graduates of Post-Secondary Education
- Trainers are graduates of Secondary Education and have three years oF working experience
- Business executives specialized in Human Resource, Unit Directors of the Public and Private sector, Business executives who are responsible for staff training
- The instructors of the program are mainly members of the Scientific Association of Adult Education, specialized and experienced in the field of adult learning.
- The academic leaders of the program are Mr. Alexis Kokkos, professor of E.A.P and Chairman of the Board of the Scientific Association of Adult Education and Mrs. Maria Terlixidou, Development Consultant and Secretary of the Board of the Scientific Association of Adult Education.
The Training Program lasts 100 hours and is implemented based on a blended teaching system:
a) Approximately 60 hours, distant learning (study of educational material, essay writing, communication with ACTA organization and the instructors)
b) Approximately 40 hours, 3 educational meetings, in groups of 15 people
It is the initial stage of candidates’ information and preparation – who will be informed by ACTA- and direct electronic access to compulsory parts of the educational material.
Carrying out Educational Meetings and at the same time trainees will study the educational material they have received.
The trainees present the designed and edited micro-teaching sessions which they have planned during their training, followed by the evaluation of their presentations and certification.
At the end of the program, each trainee will be asked to design and present a micro-teaching session that lasts for 20 minutes and it is an essential requirement for the completion of the program.
The evaluation of micro-teaching is based on:
- Achieving exercise’s educational goals
- How well prepared was the presented material
- Proper use of oral speech and body language
- The educational techniques that were selected and applied for their case
- The relationship developed between the Trainer and the “trainees”
- The use of any related and appropriate supervisory medium.
The above general criteria are used as indicators for the evaluation of each trainee. Each general criterion receives a score from A to D, which is also supported by basic observations, where this is necessary.
A supervisor training consultant- as the first evaluator and experienced trainer -as well as an evaluator on behalf of ACTA -as the second evaluator- are taking part in the evaluation process.
The final decision regarding the trainee’s performance is taken after the collaboration of the first and the second evaluator. In case where both of the evaluators end up in common scores either A, B, and C the trainee can be certified by ACTA organization and obtain the CAT certificate.
The micro-teaching is recorded for data collection purposes, while all the legal procedures of personal data protection are kept.